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Hertz Awarded 2003 Distinguished Teaching Medal

New York University selected Randy Hertz, professor of clinical law and director of clinical and advocacy programs, as one of five recipients of the 2003 Distinguished Teaching Medal.

Hertz has taught capital defense, juvenile rights, criminal litigation, and other courses since 1985 at the Law School. A graduate of Stanford Law School, he is renowned for a dynamic teaching style that combines complete mastery of a subject with a manner that encourages students to discover the answers themselves; for the lengths to which he will go, in and out of the classroom, to help students; for the guidance and mentorship he provides in classes and clinics; and for personally attracting so many students to the Law School.

Students are amazed at his approachability and accessibility, in light of his busy schedule. “His teaching load would crush the average teacher,” said one colleague, “yet year after year Randy’s students report that his tireless commitment to them and their development as critical thinkers has enabled them to become better problem-solvers, better students, and better lawyers.” Another colleague said: “Professor Hertz is an inspirational teacher—inspiring to his students, inspiring to his colleagues, the truly rare teacher who inspires the teaching profession itself by setting a new standard for just how good it is possible for a teacher to be.” His students agree: “Sitting in a lecture by Randy Hertz should be a requirement for every NYU School of Law student,” one wrote. “It is truly an unforgettable experience.”

Each teaching award consists of a specially designed medal and a grant of $5000. The awards are presented annually to outstanding full-time faculty members in recognition that, along with research, teaching of the highest quality is critical to the success of New York University.