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Café Society

During the last eight years the Law School Magazine has introduced these 32 faculty members—plus six new faculty this year—by describing their scholarly and teaching credentials, the agile minds they focus on everything from bankruptcy law to torts, and their personalities and unique interests. “This is a faculty that is convivial and highly professional,” says Richard Epstein.

To understand why Epstein is depicted doing a Saturday New York Times crossword puzzle, or why Kenji Yoshino is sitting with Yorick, click on each professor’s name for a full profile.

View the entire illustration [1] closeup.

Samuel Rascoff, Katrina Wyman, Roderick Hills, Jennifer Arlen, Oren Bar-Gill

Samuel Rascoff [2], Katrina Wyman [3] (and her interest in brightly plumed birds [4]), Roderick Hills [5], Jennifer Arlen [6], Oren Bar-Gill [7]

José Alvarez, Deborah Malamud, Florencia Marotta-Wurgler '01, Mitchell Kane, Kenji Yoshino, Cynthia Estlund

José Alvarez [8], Deborah Malamud [9], Florencia Marotta-Wurgler ’01 [10], Mitchell Kane [11], Kenji Yoshino [12], Cynthia Estlund [13]

Troy McKenzie '00, Margaret Satterthwaite '99, Jeremy Waldron, Robert Howse, Katherine Strandburg

Troy McKenzie ’00 [14], Margaret Satterthwaite ’99 [15], Jeremy Waldron [16], Robert Howse [17], Katherine Strandburg [18]

Richard Epstein, Smita Narula, Barton Beebe, Samuel Scheffler, John Ferejohn

Richard Epstein [19], Smita Narula [20], Barton Beebe [21], Samuel Scheffler [22], John Ferejohn [23]

Catherine Sharkey, Daniel Hulsebosch, Ryan Goodman, Arthur Miller, Lily Batchelder, Stephen Choi

Catherine Sharkey [24], Daniel Hulsebosch [25], Ryan Goodman [26], Arthur Miller [27] (and his collection of Japanese prints [28]), Lily Batchelder [29], Stephen Choi [30]

Moshe Halberthal, Rachel Barkow, Kevin Davis, Christina Rodríguez, Samuel Issacharoff

Moshe Halbertal [31], Rachel Barkow [32], Kevin Davis [33], Cristina Rodríguez [34], Samuel Issacharoff [35] (and his role on the Obama campaign legal team [36])

All 2010 Features [37]

All of 2010 Faculty Focus [38]

2010 Home [39]