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Eyewitness Testimony

“Violence is all around us, not only in the horrors of war and terrorism but in the basic social structures of police, courts, and security guards; yet this pervasiveness often goes unacknowledged. A key point of this book is that violence is something more than an event in time, something more than a cause or an effect, something more than a set of physical events. Violence—in all its dimensions—reveals deeper truths about the workings of human history and the physical world, and about cause and effect itself.”

—From Violence All Around [1] by John Sifton [2] ’00, now Asia advocacy director at Human Rights Watch. This 2015 book, his first, is a documentation and exploration of the abuses he reported on before and after the 9/11 attacks. Excerpted with permission from Harvard University Press.

All of 2015 Arguments and Opinions [3]

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