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Shoeboxing Match

Does a police search violate the Fourth Amendment if it’s unclear who can consent to a search of a shared living space? This question was at the core of the 43rd annual Orison S. Marden Moot Court Competition’s final argument last April. Judge Dennis Jacobs [1] ’73 of the Second Circuit, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the DC Circuit, and Judge Michelle Friedland of the Ninth Circuit presided as the four NYU Law student finalists tackled a moot problem involving an illicit substance found in a shoebox. While the Best Oralist honor went to Sean Stefanik ’16 (pictured above), each judge praised the entire group. “Very lucid, very knowledgeable, very on the ball, very strong oral advocacy by all four of you,” said Kavanaugh.

All of 2015 Proceedings [2]

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